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分享 Happy Chinese New Year!
我是虔谦 2023-1-22 09:44
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分享 地狱谷,蛇河惨案,Chinese Massacre Cove
热度 1 MingHao 2017-4-20 10:54
地狱谷,蛇河惨案,Chinese Massacre Cove
34名中国矿工冤魂的呼号在山谷中回荡了140年,凶手全部逍遥法外。Nokes教授指出:“毫无罪孽感,毫无悲痛的表示,毫无悔意,毫无付出代价毫无后果承担” "there has been no manifestation of guilt, no expression of sorrow, no regret, no price paid, no consequences." 蛇河是爱达荷州与俄勒冈州的天然分界线,河流经过的这个山谷叫地狱谷(Hells Canyon)。2005年美国地理名称委员会正式命名河畔这处为: Chinese Massacre Cove 。 1877年5月27日前后两天时间,一伙白人在这条河边击毙34名淘金的华工 并斧头砍下头颅 ,由于这个地方非常隐蔽这令人发指的罪行无人知晓。不料两个礼拜后数具尸体冲到60英里的下游。当地警察敷衍了事,于是三藩市的华人公司重金雇佣当地白人 Joseph Vincent。 Joseph Vincent侦查出 是一帮臭名昭著的盗牛马团伙犯下的惨案并说服了其中一人出庭做证。但是其中三人在被逮捕前就跑掉了,法庭上尽管有污点证人作证,被们承认为了抢中国人的金子杀了他们。令人愤怒的是:在34条血淋淋的尸首在面前,陪审团竟然无罪释放了这三个被告! George S. Craig事后对人 说:‘假如这34人是白人,他们就会惩治凶手。可惜死者都是中国人,没人认识他们也没人在乎他们,所以把他们放了。’ George S. Craig有个木屋,他认识行凶团伙里面的一个人,那个人租用他的木屋,所以 George S. Craig对这起屠杀案知道一些情况。 被告说杀害34人是为了抢黄金,但是并没有从被告那里搜出黄金。而且,当地人认为在那个地点如果是为了抢黄金,完全没必要夺命。 这里有必要提醒当时的美国西部的政治社会背景:1870年代和1880年代153起排华骚乱纪录在案。 1877年美国西部掀起疯狂的排华潮,烧杀打砸华人非常普遍.也就是说,那个年代西部白人出于对华人的仇恨而杀人夺命是普通的事。 何止没人被定罪,1990年初的一个新的发现又证明有官员故意掩盖这个重大命案。大约是1970-1980年,镇上以为职员从地下室在旧文件柜里发现了当年这34名矿工的文件包含新的犯罪细节。一个历史学家认为这是美国历史上白人对华人最惨烈的一场屠杀,也是俄勒冈州历史上最大屠杀。然而,俄勒冈的历史纪录上不写此事,惨案地点也没有个标牌,当地很多人认为最好是忘记了这件事。然而当地一位75岁退休镇官员 Vern Russell愿意谈论此事,他的 叔公(爷爷的兄弟)Frank E. Vaughn 当年就在屠杀现场并且法庭作证,他的证词是最详尽的。 Vern Russell说我爸爸告诉我,这个Frank罪大恶极。确实, 他的 叔公作证说,他与另外两人与三个偷牛马家伙合谋杀害中国矿工,然后那三大盗带他们去的。已故华盛顿州立大学教授 David H. Stratton收集材料并曝光于世人:第一天 这些冷血凶手们从陡峭的山谷上瞄准河边 毫无防备的矿工 击毙10人,次日打死船边8名工人,又找到另外一个营地13名工人. Stratton 教授在他1983年的论文里写到:美国西部发生的排华暴力事件中,无论是白人还是印第安人犯下的,蛇河屠杀的残暴恐怕是无案可及的。 140年过去了,以史为鉴, 今天我们华人的地位和政治实力在哪里?我们对排外情绪的危害有足够的警惕吗? 且不要说重演 排华法案,就是作为人口多数的白人心里的那种排外反移民的情绪卷土而来,会如何影响我们和后代?别忘了,尽管少数族裔人口在增加,但是美国各式各样的权利,财富和舆论还是掌握在白人手里。 (惨案中文为:蛇河惨案,英文为: Snake River Massacre, Hells Canyon Massacre。)
个人分类: 华人历史|13720 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 华人当自强--贺梅法案与当今美国政局
热度 2 岳东晓 2016-10-11 01:51
根据不少中文媒体的说法,“贺梅法案”(Anna Mae He Act) 是美国历史上第一个以中国人名命名的法案。对这个第一,我没有做历史研究。之前,我们知道得比较多的是《中国人排除法》(The Chinese Exclusion Act)。中国人排除法是美国联邦法律,影响深远而广泛,但不是以人名命名,而是以种族命名。如果缩小定义范围,只计基于中国人胜利而导致的西方法案,那么“贺梅法案”应该当之无愧的列为鸦片战争以来的第一个。从这个角度来说,贺梅法案具有历史意义。问题是,在其母国日益走向世界超级霸权之际,贺梅法案背后的成功能否被复制。 贺梅法案的具体推动是在田纳西的蔡金良。根据 这个报道 ,蔡金良1986年从北大经济系毕业,是孟菲斯当地华人侨领。我个人在贺梅法案中的直接参与主要是与贺邵强就一些法律问题进行讨论,合作写了一个 Draft Proposal For Amending the Abandonment Law in Title 36 of the Tennessee Law . 从贺梅案的经验教训出发,包括对田纳西各级法院的法律错误的分析, 根据美国宪法原则,我们建议将田纳西法律中“蓄意抛弃”的定义进一步准确化,加入“intentional” 与 “with the knowledge of the potential legal consequences”等限制。 《 赢在美国-贺梅案真相揭秘 》一书中,第20.3节讲到了“贺梅案判例法”。第20.4节,对贺梅法案的背景做了如下介绍: 蔡金良是孟菲斯当地华人社团的领袖人物。对当地的政治生态很熟悉。 2004 年贺梅案初审失败之后,他就主动与田纳西的一些议员联系,认为法律很不完善,导致某些人利用法律的漏洞、欺凌弱者,所以法律应该修改。当时主要的想法就是在收养法中加入要求通知的条款。但是在官司失败的情况下,要提出修改法律那是很难的 — 必须有法律依据说法律不对。而后来,田纳西上诉法院似乎很严谨的判决维持了原判,更是断绝了修法之路。 田纳西最高法院的判决却表明法律至少存在模糊的地方,否则上诉法院怎么会发生错误,需要推翻呢?因此,贺梅案立法的事又提上了日程。。。 贺梅案取得全胜之后,由哈德威议员提出了一个众议院提案,序号为 HB0351 。。。 HB0351 法提案又叫贺梅法案(“ ANNA MAE HE ACT” ),也就是在以后引用这条法案时,律师们可以用简单易记的贺梅法案名称即可,不一定要使用数字编码的条款号码。贺梅法案的基本精神就是贺梅案的判决结果:申请抚养权是维持亲子关系的尝试,而有尝试则不存在蓄意遗弃。这个提案先拿到众议院儿童与家庭事务委员会讨论,很快在 2007 年 4 月底得到了通过。贺绍强参加了会议,回答了委员们的问题。而在三年之前,差不多正是裘得斯剥夺贺家父母权判决公布的时候。 之后,该法案又经过多次投票,先后通过了三个委员会的审查。。。。 2007 年 6 月 4 日是最后一次提案交给众议院全体讨论表决,地址是田纳西州在纳西维尔的立法大楼。如果这一次通过,提案就可以进入参议院。贺绍强、罗秦、蔡金良、格雷牧师、潘太太等人都去了。贺绍强把建议书复印了 100 多份,在听证开始之前,分发给在场的听众和八九十位议员。。。 开始试投票是 47 比 42 ,支持的人略多。贺绍强和其他人作证之后,有不少原来持反对态度的议员改变了看法,包括几个共和党议员,最后投票的结果是 54 人支持, 31 人反对, 4 人弃权。贺梅法案至此在田纳西众议院获得通过。。。 从上面的记载看,在美国这样的民主社会一个法案要获得提案并得到通过绝非容易的事情,往往要经过相当长时间的辩论。社会成员,即使不是美国公民,只要是在当地生活,都应该积极参与与自己利益相关的立法活动。这也是对美国社会的民主人权不断完善做出应有的贡献。贺绍强、罗秦当时在美国的身份是非法移民,但他们对美国人权、法制建设的贡献却是不可忽略的,而且超过了多数美国公民。这是一个事实。 联想起当年的《中国人排除法》,相关的立法过程也经过了很多的辩论,也有不少白人议员提出质疑。但在历史记录中,似乎没有旅美中国人前去作证反对。中国数千年的封建传统下,百姓习惯于自己的命运由包青天恩赐正义,不明白西方社会的规则。当年的旅美华人大多是做苦工的苦力,文化程度低,只会在唐人街内自己打来打去,互相争夺,不知道外面的世界很精彩,也不知道外面洋人的世界里举举手,就能把唐人街全体打入社会底层,让你们去底层继续打去。即使知道有这个法案在酝酿的,估计英语也不行,会说YES,不敢说NO,其余的内容想说英语也说不出来,想请翻译也没钱。语言是人区别于动物的最基本差别,华人在北美生活,却连话都不会说,这虽然可怜,但也是没有办法的事情。不像100多年后的贺邵 强,英文相对良好,在英文媒体上还能引经据典、侃侃而谈地讨论宪法、人权、战斗等等,至少人家还知道他是个活人。 前两年的 SCA5 可以说是一个新版的排华法。结果呢?这个法案得到多名华裔议员的支持,等它都已经通过了加州参议院才引起公众注意。好在现在的旅美中国人的英文程度还是有相当提高,一阵反对之下, SCA5 胎死在加州众议院 。珍珠湾的网友们 也为此做出了自己的努力 。 就目前的美国政治来看,很难说 希拉里与川普谁能当选总统。希拉里当选应该会延续美国现有的政策。川普当选则存在很大的变数,很多人对他抱有希望,也有很多人恐惧。但是,由于华人人口有限,而且集中在民主党势力范围内,华人无论是什么立场,都很难对这次选举造成显著的影响。 怎么办?未来无论是谁当选,想坐享青天正义是行不通的。美国没有包青天,民主得靠自己。贺梅法案的过程应该给大家很多的启发。 附件:HB0351 SUMMARY (ANNA MAE HE ACT) HB0351-summary.pdf
个人分类: 贺梅案|9387 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 《朝鲜战争常见问题》的权威性
热度 3 岳东晓 2015-9-15 13:05
若干年前,在CMF (Chinese Military Forum) 以及网上其他地方经常遇到朝鲜战争的争论。于是我决定写一个朝鲜战争常见问题 ( Korean War FAQ )。写完之后,在 CMF 偶尔会有美军前来质疑,我都回应到,本人写的经过了考证多方资料,你们要能指出一个错误,我感谢你们。多年来,无人能提出什么异见。 大约2001年左右,有个美国人同事(计算机方面的)一天突然对我说,想不到你还是个 Historian 。原来是在网上看到了这个 Korean War FAQ。 今天我在 Google Books 里搜索 ,发现下列书籍引用了 Korean War FAQ 作为参考资料: The Korean War: An Annotated Bibliography https://books.google.com/books?isbn=1135223947 Keith D. McFarland - 2009 - ‎ Preview - ‎ More editions Encyclopedia Britannica Online Encyclopedia. A brief history oftheoriginsand the military,political anddiplomatic aspects of the war.Aclear and concise overview. 2560. Korean War FAQ . Answers somethreedozen questionsabout theKorean... Historical Dictionary of the Korean War - Page 435 https://books.google.com/books?isbn=081087461X Paul M. Edwards - 2010 - ‎ Preview - ‎ More editions ELECTRONIC SOURCES America's War Fact Sheet, www.va.gov/pressurel/ amwars96.htm Canadians in Korea, ... People's Republic of China's point of view on the Korean War FAQ , www . centurychina. com/ hi story/ krwarf aq. html... Korean War not forgotten: stories from Korean War veterans - Page 449 https://books.google.com/books?id=HovxAAAAMAAJ Paul Aleckson - 2003 - ‎Snippet view stories from Korean War veterans Paul Aleckson. Bibliography ' The Korean War: Inchon. http://webpdp.gator.com/v3/webpdp_v3_plugin.php?yic=HIC_L90DT 2 Korean War FAQ : Korean War History, http://centurychina.com/histry/faq5.shtml. Fire and Ice: The Korean War, 1950-1953 - Page 261 https://books.google.com/books?isbn=1882810449 Michael J. Varhola - 2000 - ‎ Preview - ‎ More editions The 50th Anniversary of the Korean War Commemoration Committee (http:// korea50.army.mil) is the official, public access site ... Volunteers Army during the Korea War, from the communist point of view, can be found on The Korean War FAQ ,... The Koreas - Page 449 https://books.google.com/books?isbn=1598841602 Mary E. Connor - 2009 - ‎ Preview - ‎ More editions KOSNET. http://www.interedu.go.kr The educational site offers Korean language study over the Internet. ... Korean War FAQ . http://www.centurychina.com/history/ krwarfaq.html This Web site answers frequently asked questions about the... Paths to Peace: Domestic Coalition Shifts, War Termination ... https://books.google.com/books?isbn=0804772371 Elizabeth Stanley - 2009 - ‎ Preview - ‎ More editions In The Truth About the Korean War: Testimony 40 Years Later. Edited by Chull- Baum Kim, 143–56. Seoul: Eulyoo Publishing, 1993. Yue, Dongxiao. “ Korean War FAQ .” http://centurychina.com/history/krwarfaq.html (ac- cessed March 6, 2001). Lee Harvey Oswald's Cold War Vol 1: Why the Kennedy ... https://books.google.com/books?id=yQp2CgAAQBAJ Greg R. Parker - 2014 - ‎ Preview South Korea Likely Provoked War with North by Oliver Lee, StarBulletin, June 24, 1994 Ibid US Military ... Professor of Political Economy, Lafayette College CenturyChina.com Korean War FAQ Long Delay on Peace:... Conflict in Korea: An Encyclopedia - Page 229 https://books.google.com/books?isbn=0874369789 James Hoare , ‎ Susan Pares - 1999 - ‎Snippet view - ‎ More editions BIBLIOGRAPHY 229 The Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum. 1979. P' yongyang, Foreign ... China Crosses the Yalu: The Chinese Decision to Enter the Korean War. New York, Macmillan. ... Yue Dongxiao. 1998. " Korean War FAQ . Korea Observer - Volume 36 - Page 295 https://books.google.com/books?id=jnVDAAAAYAAJ 2005 - ‎Snippet view - ‎ More editions Weathersby, Kathryn, "Working Paper #8: Soviet Aims in Korea and the Origins of the Korean War, 1945-1950: New ... Yue, Dongxiao, " Korean War FAQ ," Chinese Military Forum (1998) Changing Realities and Paradigms in Social and... America and China: Political and Economic Relations in the ... https://books.google.com/books?isbn=059540815X Ben Mah - 2007 - ‎ Preview - ‎ More editions Unfortunately, the other nuclear powers have not accepted the Chinese proposalsls'ls'. Notes: Rosenberg, Jennifer: “Hiroshima and Nagasaki 20th Century History” Yue, Dongxiao: Korean War FAQ 另外我的《 日本的侵略与掠夺是中国贫穷的直接原因 》一文也被英文学术文章作为资料引用
个人分类: 历史|9968 次阅读|7 个评论
分享 就香港时局的部分发言
热度 4 岳东晓 2014-10-2 04:34
以下是我在微信群中部分发言的汇编,大部分是针对其他网友观点的回应。微信讨论嘛,比较随意,就不要苛求前后连贯了,从我的文字就可以看出针对的观点是什么。比如说,有人说为何要拿出美国使用催泪瓦斯做例子。 The British Empire's policy towards colonial territories has been consistent over the centuries. They ruled HK much like they dominated India. The only difference was that PRC had a powerful military ready to impose the will of the Chinese nation. Tear gas is frequently used in the U.S. against protesters. HK people are not above the law. Check out the Occupy Wall Street videos. If America is the beacon of democracy and model of the rule of law, HK must learn from America. The New York police applied sanitation and public safety laws and forcefully removed the occupiers. There is no need for bloodshed. No one is talking about firing live ammunition like the Kent State Massacre, the American experience in dealing with the OWS movement is very valuable. You can enforce law without bloodshed. When citizens willfully violate the law, they must be held accountable in accordance of the law. HK is degenerating into a lawless society. No one is talking about using the PLA to quell the occupy movement. The U.S. is the first democracy since the Roman Republic. Every nation should learn from the US if they aspire for democracy . And we learned from the US that democracy comes hand in hand with strict enforcement of the law. Freedom does not equate lawlessness. Freedom requires social responsibility, including the respect for the law. When the dignity of the law is tainted by mob like movement, what you get is not freedom but chaos and disorder. There are a lot of human factors in a mass movement. The purpose is never simple, the motive never pure. In the end, someone is boundto lose cool when patience runs out and passions reign high. Rarely we see a mass movement produce positive results. For that you need either a revolution or a gradual reform.
个人分类: 地缘政治|8029 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 杨澜英语口语错误分析
热度 3 岳东晓 2014-7-26 05:37
VANO贴出了 一段杨澜的英语 ,我听了一遍,语调不错,比闵南方舟子好多了,但是几个发音明显不准,而 机器识别 证实了这一点。 机器识别杨澜说的内容是【ge ntleman lyrics of neck song is originated from the 2000 year old Chinese Asian poen which is about the young men's erection and longing for beautiful lady to whom he has no access well gentlemen you understand that feeling】 下面我来分析一下: 1)next -- neck 我也没听到这个后面的st,只听到 nek,而且这个ne还发得特重。另外,语法错误,next 之前没有the。 2)ancient -- Asian 前面这个an 似乎发成了 a,没有这个n, 而且后面的 t 非常不清楚。对于英语来说,元音稍微短点无所谓,但辅音如果忽略就听不懂了。 3)admiration --- erection 为什么机器完全没有识别出这个字? 实际上杨澜读的是 admire - ration ,就是把 admire 后面加个 ation。但这个词应该把i轻读成uh,而且较短,后面ra-tion重读。因为重音不对,导致机器无法识别。 另外,机器识别poem成了poen,从口型看杨澜似乎对,嘴唇闭上了,但可能没有发出鼻音,导致机器未能正确识别。 值得安慰的是,人对语音的识别能力比机器强多了,机器完全是根据发音判断,但人能够根据上下文进行分析。
个人分类: 小学启蒙|11019 次阅读|19 个评论
分享 中国梦之声-Chinese Idol-20130721-10强争霸战-高清版
热度 8 mayimayi 2013-7-22 01:21
中国梦之声-Chinese Idol-20130721-10强争霸战-高清版
中国梦之声-Chinese Idol-20130721-10强争霸战- 实力歌手刘思涵出局, 止步12强, 太可惜了 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiYvnUS98-Ufeature=player_embedded#at=12
6215 次阅读|12 个评论
分享 中国梦之声-出局选手重返比赛- 梦想逆袭战
热度 13 mayimayi 2013-7-15 03:45
中国梦之声-出局选手重返比赛- 梦想逆袭战-20130714 这场比赛很有戏看, 已经出局的选手, 重返舞台, 与已经晋级的选手重新PK, 最新视频 Chinese Idol, 中国梦之声-梦想逆袭战-20130714 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1GQ5Yt0Sp8feature=player_embedded#at=15
6180 次阅读|15 个评论
分享 为谁而生?-Chinese Idol 观后
热度 11 mayimayi 2013-6-23 13:00
为谁而生?-Chinese Idol 观后
为谁而生?-Chinese Idol 观后 国内歌唱选秀节目多如牛毛, 五花八门, 目不暇接 去年出了中国好声音 今年出了中国梦之声 中国好声音,看到了歌星刘欢, 看到了新的歌星刘欢们, 相比之下, 还是中国梦之声, 好 ! 好的多 !!! 你不光听到了中国的最动人的声音, 你还会被那一个个绽放的青春所感动 !!! 你的生命为之年轻, 为之律动 ! 好多选手来自边远的下层, 来自连普通人都不如的家庭 如, 菜缸妹邓小坤, 她年方16 岁,地道的农民的女儿, 她从没有受过音乐训练, 但是, 她又一副天生的好嗓子,为了练习唱歌, 她每天把头埋在家里东北酸菜缸中唱歌,那混响效果小坤觉得超好听。虽没有音乐基础,但天生的好嗓让她足以鹤立鸡群。 她走上舞台, 就是一个不显眼的农村女孩, 你可能感觉不到她身体里酝酿的力量,但她一开口,就把评委韩红,李玟惊艳到了, 韩红称赞她的歌声, 李玟直呼她是天生的歌者,, 评委王伟忠 激动的说, 司马光是打破缸,邓小坤是唱破缸。--- 歌星 菜缸妹,由此出名 ! 还有农村男孩 郭帅, 生活在偏远的地方,乡亲们不知道啥是英文歌,总觉得他唱的是怪歌, 爱唱英文歌的郭帅虽然初中都没毕业,但他现场一曲英文歌, 立刻征服了李玟, 你英文歌唱得很棒! 乡亲们说他, 你没有韩红的命, 但是得了韩红的病(爱唱歌), 郭帅长得很胖, 像韩红一样 还有女歌手, 艾菲, 她就是活生生的中国的 麦当娜, 嗓音霸气, 充满征服力 ! 藏族歌手女央吉马, 是歌唱女神, 她把你带到了纯净的西藏高原, 带到了那没有灰尘的蓝天 还有 宁夏歌手侯磊, 是一颗闪耀的新星,他的歌声纯正, 沧桑动情 不仅仅是歌手和 偶像般的声音, 最感人的是他们为歌唱而不顾一切的奋斗精神 ! 听他们的歌,看他们歌声后面的故事, 你一定会为他们为歌唱而绽放生命所征服 他们为谁而生? 为歌唱 ! 青春为什么而律动? 为歌唱! 不管你是不是音乐迷, 不管你是不是爱听唱歌, 你去听听 中国梦之声, 都会有生命的享受 和 振奋, 都不会失望的 菜缸妹邓小坤 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSs1bpWLIDY
6742 次阅读|8 个评论
分享 Chinese Idol-中国梦之声,初选第二场-2013-05-26
热度 6 mayimayi 2013-5-27 09:35
Chinese Idol-中国梦之声,初选第二场-2013-05-26 Chinese Idol--中国梦之声, 歌手选秀节目刚刚开播, 好评如潮 中国梦之声-- 是 美国偶像 (American Idol )的中国版, 第一次在中国开播, 由上海东方卫视制作 中国梦之声-- , 太好看了,太好听了 ! 四位评委, 台湾的电视强人 王伟忠, 美国歌手李玟, 韩红, 黄晓明 四个评委的看点--- 心地善良, 说真话 下面是 Chinese Idol 中国梦之声初选第二场 实况 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMO8Z8Yypw8
5681 次阅读|14 个评论
分享 铜雀台 The Assassins (Chinese & English sub)
热度 1 8288 2013-2-4 11:53
个人分类: 视频|4581 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 I hope we all get lucky this time !!! 祝你好运!!!
热度 3 兜兜里有糖 2012-12-6 00:40
I hope we all get lucky this time !!! This year, December has 5 Saturdays, 5 Sundays and 5 Mondays. Dec-12 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 This only happens once every 824 years. The Chinese call it the Money Bag. Send this to all your friends. According to the legend, you will receive money in 4 days. According to Feng Shui, if you do not send it you will stay poor . I will not let this opportunity pass by so I send it to you with my best wishes. (Just in case it is true!) 今年 12 月有 5 个星期日, 5 个星期六和 5 个星期一。这是 824 年才发生一次的事。中国人把它叫做钱袋子。把这件事告诉你的朋友们吧。传说 4 天里,你就会收到钱。根据风水的说法,如果你不转发的话,会贫穷一辈子。我不想错过好机会,所以给你发了这条短信,祝你好运。
个人分类: 知识|6963 次阅读|3 个评论
分享 中國建築之美 The Beauty of Chinese Architecture
热度 2 8288 2012-12-4 15:12
个人分类: 视频|5202 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 New Chinese Antique Style Green Cosmetic Coin Purse 5 pcs SET Access
玫瑰红茶 2012-11-17 04:25
Chinese Antique Style Green Cosmetic Coin Purse 5 pcs SET Access There are 5piecesin this list . They have Beautiful pictures , Great Gift and Party Favor. Clutch Bag/ Cosmetic Bag / Lipstick Holder / Purse / Coin Purse 5 PC Set Color: Green Origin : China Material : satin Size : Large :8 X 5.5 inches Small :3.5 X 3 inches Condition: new Notice: Item pattern is stochastic. http://www.ebay.com/itm/271104602485?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
1 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 盛世大阅兵 China's 60th Anniversary Chinese Military Celebration 2009
热度 1 水壶灌满 2012-10-11 07:57
3423 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Americans Better Stay Away From the China-Japan Death Struggle
岳东晓 2012-9-27 09:08
China, China Taiwan and Japan are readying themselves for a major showdown over the Diao-Yu Islands (釣魚島) . The Chinese character " 釣" means “to angle", " 魚" means "fish"。 The Diao-Yu island is literally a place where the Chinese have been angling fish since ancient times. O ne can view these islands from Google Earth. The screenshot below clearly shows that the Diao-Yu islands are on thecontinentalshelf of China. The direct distance from mainland China to Diao-Yu is only about 200 some miles. One may have heard that the US government referring to the Diao-Yu island as Senkaku Island. But that is a mistake. The official Japanese name for Diao-Yu island (釣魚島) is Yu-Diao island (魚釣島) . As you can see, the Japanese just switched the order of the two Chinese characters, from 釣魚 to 魚釣 . On ancient Chinese maps, the words are written from right to left. Apparently, the Japanese took a Chinese map and read it from left to right when they annexed the Diao-Yu island in 1895. It wasn't surprising that the Japanese didn't invent a new name for the island, most of Japanese around the time did not even have surnames and the written language of Japan was essentially Chinese. To verify that the official Japanese name for Diao-Yu Island is indeed Yu-Diao Island, we can check with the "Geospatial Information Authority of Japan" at www.gsi.go.jp . The following screenshot shows that the Japanese name for Chinese " 釣魚島" is indeed " 魚釣島"。This is a significant point. The word "Senkakus" give an impression that Japan named the island independently. We now know that is untrue. The name "Senkakus", which did not appeal until 1900, is what Japanese calls the group of islands around Diao-Yu. Historical records show that China had administered the Diao-Yu islands since the Ming Dynasty, long before Japanese seized them in 1895 as a booty of its war against China. After Japanmade its sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, China and US became allies in a common struggle against Japanese imperialism. Many Americans died in the war against Japan. When Japan surrenderedunconditionallyin 1945, it fully accepted the PotsdamDeclaration and the Cairo Declaration.The latter states that " all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria, Formosa, and The Pescadores, shall be restored to the Republic of China. Japan will also be expelled from all other territories which she has taken by violence and greed." See, http://www.ndl.go.jp/constitution/e/shiryo/01/002_46/002_46tx.html . Consistently, the Potsdam Declaration issued by U.S., China and Britain dictates that "The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out and Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and such minor islands as we determine." Minor islands are those smaller than two square kilometers. Neither the Diao-Yu island nor the Ryukyu Islands are minor islands and therefore are not part of Japan under Potsdam. Moreover, as we have seen above, Japan stole the Diao-Yu islands from China in 1895, and must return them to China under the mandate of the Cairo Declaration. In view of the history, Japan's nationalization of the Diao-Yu Islands thus poses a grave challenge to the verdict of the Second World War and constitutes a disruption of the postwar world order. Japan's rekindled militarism has crossed the red line and will not be tolerated by China. A Sino-Japan conflict isinevitable. The position taken by United States will determine whether there coming conflict will be localized within the western pacific or will become the prelude to World War III. The Americans and Chinese should cherish their old friendship and work together to stop Japan's neo-militarism. While some Americans may have forgotten Pearl Harbor, the Japanese surely remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Japanese are not your ordinary friend. If they acquire adequateweaponry, they won't be very sentimental on using it to avenge the two atomic bombs, and they aren't afraid of dying . Americans ought to be cautious. China and Japan had engaged in blood feud long before the white people settled in America. It will be tragic if the Americans are dragged into the China-Japan conflict. Many Chinese are already suspicious of America's role in the current dispute. No one is threatening the world with nuclear destruction over Diao-Yu Islands. However, escalation of the Diao-Yu Island dispute could lead to large scale devastation over vast areas. Americans nuked Japan twice over Pearl Harbor, killing over 100,000 Japanese with instant vaporization or lingering radiation diseases. Now, imagine what would be in people's minds if Japan slaughtered 30 million people, including women and children. That didn't happen to America but did happen to China. That is why Diao-Yu Islands conflict may eventually trigger unprecedented levels of destruction. China is a nuclear power. Current estimate puts China's stockpile at around three thousand thermonuclear warheads. It would be unwise for anyone to side with a former axis power and bear the brunt of Chinese justice. Americans better stay out of that age-old life-and-death struggle and live their happy lives as bystanders.
22 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 连FUDZILLA都搞清了钓鱼岛争端的由来
热度 10 岳东晓 2012-9-18 05:03
FUDZILLA是一个IT资讯网站,经常报道一些科技公司的内部消息,其域名也是顾名思义 - FUD ZILLA。 今天该网站发了一篇新闻说日本松下公司暂时关闭了其在中国的几个电子元件工厂,据松下公司的发言人称,厂内的几名中国工人对生产进行了破坏。 更有趣的是该文章的作者,一个搞IT的,对钓鱼岛争端的由来进行了报道,他是这么写的 (http://www.fudzilla.com/home/item/28783-japanese-suppliers-attacked-in-china ): 【The People's Republic and Taiwan claim that the islands have been a part of Chinese territory since at least 1534. Japan took control of the islands in 1894–1895 during the first Sino-Japanese War, through the signature of the Treaty of Shimonoseki. They claim that Potsdam Declaration required that Japan relinquish control of all islands except for "the islands of Honsh?, Hokkaid?, Ky?sh?, Shikoku and such minor islands as we determine", and they state that this means control of the islands should pass to China.】 大致翻译如下:【人民共和国与台湾都申明这些岛屿从1534年起就是中国领土。日本在1894-1895的中日战争中通过马关条约获取了对它们的控制。中国称波茨坦公告要求日本放弃对所有岛屿的控制,除 本州、北海道、九州、四国及其他”我们决定之小岛”之外,他们说这意味着这些岛屿的控制权应该给中国。】 由上可见,连FUDZILLA一个搞IT的都弄清楚了钓鱼岛争端的由来。美国政府如果在钓鱼岛问题上背叛二战同盟国,跟轴心国搞在一起与世界反法西斯阵容对抗,将是不得人心的,也将给世界和平带来不稳定因素。
6339 次阅读|4 个评论


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