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2018-1-2 11:29 回复|
2017-12-18 09:02 回复|
2017-12-9 14:01 回复|
您可以更新记录, 让好友们知道您在做什么...http://zhenzhubay.com/zzw/upload/up/23270/94870dc.mp4
2017-10-11 11:19 回复|
2017-8-20 04:11 回复|
2017-8-8 12:41 回复|
----觉得不错,请在页尾点赞哦... | 佳 | 作 | 有 | 约 | 中国第一视觉文艺平台 聚焦品质生活的图文公号微信号:佳作有约【欢迎投稿】欢迎投稿!我们将在佳作有约公众微信发布。投稿发至邮箱:[email protected]【业务合作】如果您有合作意向,请与我 -- 谁定格的这些动物有趣的瞬
2017-7-15 10:13 回复|
  • 一湬: 是人物,必须向历史负责。 (7-14 11:39)
  • 宜修: 愿赌服输。 (7-15 13:16)
2017-7-14 11:33 回复|
Stirring speech by Professor Xiaoxing Xi of Temple University on his talk - "I am not a spy - a personal account" starts at 6:21:45 and ends at 6:42:00. The video presentation starts after 1:31:00. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKRnDehLc3E&feature=youtu.be
2017-6-24 13:21 回复|
2017-6-14 00:28 回复|
  • 一湬: 还记得德德玛吗?  有朝气也富有情感! (5-11 04:20)
2017-5-11 04:16 回复|
2017-3-15 05:55 回复|
http://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/government-scientist-fired-after-dropped-spying-charges-petitions-reinstatement-n733281 Government Scientist Fired After Dropped Spying Charges Petitions for Reinstatement by FRANCES KAI-HWA WANG A former scientist for the federal government is fighting to get her job back after the Department of Justice dropped charges alleging that she was spy for the Chinese government. Xiafen "Sherry" Chen is scheduled to be in court Tuesday and Wednesday, arguing to be reinstated as a hydrologist for the U.S. National Weather Service after being accused of spying for China in 2014. Image: US-CHINA-SPY-CHARGES Sherry Chen (L), a US federal government worker, and Xiaoxing Xi, chair of the Physics Department at Temple University, speak about the dropped charges against them of spying for China, during a press conference in Washington, DC, September 15, 2015. Prosecutors dropped charges of spying for China against Xi last week and against Chen earlier this year. Saul Loebsaul/AFP/Getty Images After an investigation, the charges against her were dropped in March 2015 — a week before trial — with little explanation. "We are exercising our prosecutorial discretion," a spokesperso... ...
  • 岳东晓: https://phys.cst.temple.edu/xiaoxing-xi.html Xi Xiaoqi 北大物理系 (3-15 05:17)
2017-3-15 04:26 回复|
  • Chi202: Happy new year! (12-30 14:46)
2016-12-25 13:56 回复|
推文害记者癫痫发作 http://www.theverge.com/2016/12/20/14026546/kurt-eichenwald-seizure-identify-tweet-data-request-lawsuit
2016-12-22 02:24 回复|
转: 大家对新政府有什么建议可以到http://www.greatagain.gov 上分享。我提了三条:1, 推行voter ID. 2, 教育系统反洗脑。3, 反种族歧视法案。 看看在加州失去的能不能在联邦夺回来。[Grin]
2016-11-12 13:19 回复|
For Chinese American groups concerned about our rights.  There was a conference call this morning with Congressional members Judy Chu and Ted Lieu about the racial profile cases against Sherry Chen and Professor Xi.  They will have a meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch on 11/18 and a prior press conference on 11/17.  While it is not likely to yield any significant immediate result, such as an apology, it is important in putting the Justice Department on notice that someone is keeping an eye on them in the future. Attending the conference call were the major Chinese American civil rights organizations, mostly those with experience going back to the Wen Ho Lee case.   These are the key outcome of the call: 1) the meeting with Attorney General on 11/18 as above and the preceding press conference on 11/17.  2) we need to outreach to civil rights establishment outside of Chinese American community.  3) proposed an organized effort to have local educational events for Chinese American scientists (and others) on how to protect themselves. APAPA Bay Area will host such a forum, supported by experts from the Committee of 100, early next year. 4) Ongoing task force to monitor future events.  One additional thought I ...
2015-11-5 05:40 回复|


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