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已有 725 次阅读2023-11-20 10:22 |个人分类:American Art (History)|系统分类:转帖-知识

"Moses Brown, recognizing Slater's expertise, invited him to come to the United States to help establish textile manufacturing. Slater arrived in the U.S. in 1789 and, in 1790, began working with Moses Brown and his brothers to build the Slater Mill in Pawtucket, Rhode Island."


Moses Brown, a prominent American entrepreneur and one of the founders of the Slater Mill, met Samuel Slater through a series of connections and business relationships. Here's a brief overview of how they came to collaborate:

Family Connections:

Samuel Slater was originally from England, where he gained knowledge and experience in the textile industry. He worked for Jedediah Strutt, a partner of Richard Arkwright, a key figure in the development of the spinning frame. Later, Slater worked for Arkwright's son-in-law, Samuel Arkwright.
Moses Brown came from a well-known and influential family in Rhode Island. He was part of the Brown family, which had business interests in various industries, including shipping and manufacturing.
British Textile Industry Experience:

Moses Brown and his brothers were engaged in various business ventures, and they were aware of the advancements in the British textile industry. The Brown family had connections with other businesspeople who were exploring opportunities in manufacturing.
Search for Expertise:

In the late 18th century, there was a growing interest in establishing textile manufacturing in the United States. Moses Brown and his brothers were seeking individuals with expertise in textile machinery and manufacturing processes.
Contact with Slater:

Through their business networks and likely with the help of William Almy, another Providence merchant who had connections in the textile industry, Moses Brown learned about Samuel Slater and his knowledge of textile machinery.
Partnership and Slater Mill:

Moses Brown, recognizing Slater's expertise, invited him to come to the United States to help establish textile manufacturing. Slater arrived in the U.S. in 1789 and, in 1790, began working with Moses Brown and his brothers to build the Slater Mill in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.
The collaboration between Moses Brown and Samuel Slater was instrumental in bringing textile manufacturing to the United States and laying the foundation for the American Industrial Revolution. The Slater Mill, established through their partnership, is a historic landmark that symbolizes the beginning of industrialization in the country.








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