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赛珍珠抗击种族歧视 有罪?

已有 27167 次阅读2023-11-20 01:20 |个人分类:华人历史|系统分类:转帖-知识

由于赛珍珠支持国际妇女和平与自由联盟及其他致力于公民权利和人权的组织,1937 年联邦调查局对赛珍珠立案调查。 该档案长达 300 多页,成为收集当时著名作家(包括兰Langston Hughes, Dorothy Parker, and F. Scott Fitzgerald)的最大的案卷之一。 在赛珍珠一案中,联邦调查局指出她对种族歧视的攻击值得关注。 在联邦调查局的眼中,她代表着对美国的潜在威胁。

Notes from our speaker
  • Over time, this tireless leader received much recognition, ranging from her Pulitzer and Nobel Prizes to her regular inclusion on lists of the world’s most admired women. But there is often a price for leadership and social activism and though millions of people admired Pearl Buck and her work, there were others who found her controversial, even threatening, because of her strong stands on social justice and human rights, particularly as a woman during that time.
  • In 1937, the FBI opened a file on Pearl Buck because of her support of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom and other organizations devoted to civil and human rights. It grew to be more than 300 pages long making it one of the largest of those assembled on prominent writers of the period including Langston Hughes, Dorothy Parker, and F. Scott Fitzgerald. In Pearl Buck’s case, the FBI noted her attacks on racial discrimination as cause for concern. In the eyes of the FBI she represented a potential threat to the country.








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