

分享 上海的英国商人 Hogg Brothers
MingHao 2024-4-28 06:59
The firm Hogg Brothers was active in the manufacture and trade of silk from 1860 until 1899, at Shanghai. The brothers included Alfred G. Hogg, James Hogg, and Edward Jenner Hogg. Edward Jenner Hogg is described as "the doyen of foreign residents in Shanghai ... taken, indirectly, a larger shar ...
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分享 Frederic Delano Grant, Jr.
MingHao 2024-4-28 01:18
Frederic Delano Grant, Jr. was born on 16 July 1954 in Boston, Massachusetts in the United States of America. He studied History at Bates College, and received his B.A., magna cum laude, in 1976. He studied Law at Boston College Law School, and received his JD, cum laude, in 1983. Since obtaining ...
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分享 鸦片
MingHao 2024-4-16 20:45
With China's permission,traders voyage from Macao up the Pearl River to Canton once a year for an extended period of trading in cramped quarters. The British are frustrated that China has a meager appetite for their trade goods until they hit upon a product for which there is great demand -- opium ...
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分享 Frederick Delano Grant
MingHao 2024-4-13 07:21
https://www.americanheritage.com/fair-honorable-and-legitimate-trade https://calendar.artsboston.org/event/newton-history-series-black-tiger-the-opium-trade/ https://www.americanheritage.com/fair-honorable-and-legitimate-trade http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/archives/collections ...
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分享 Cushing Mission:John Peters
MingHao 2024-4-12 11:39
望厦条约 John Peters 纽约土木工程师 父亲是TAYLOR总统朋友 收集中国艺术品, 父亲在百老汇539买了地皮建博物馆存放展品,但是 无法竣工,于是搬去了 Malboro Church on Washington St Downtown Boston. John Peters 是个权贵出身,父亲的关系把儿子送进了Cushing Mission见习,不拿工资。 http://www.guten ...
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分享 美国19世纪演出商 Phineas Taylor Barnum (PT Barnum)
MingHao 2024-4-12 11:32
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P._T._Barnum https://barnum-museum.org/about/the-man-the-myth-the-legend/ https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/true-story-pt-barnum-greatest-humbug-them-all-180967634/ https://www.biography.com/business-leaders/pt-barnum https://www.hi ...
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分享 Geroge Chinnery
MingHao 2024-4-12 11:22
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Chinnery https://artuk.org/discover/stories/george-chinnery-a-western-painter-in-china https://www.christies.com/en/stories/george-chinnery-scenes-hong-kong-macau-0609810824be438c9fd168a7794425f6 https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artists/george-chinner ...
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分享 Cushing Mission- George West
MingHao 2024-4-12 11:19
Cushing Mission望厦条约 美国谈判方 画家,摄影师 https://gwulo.com/node/35423 https://gwulo.com/node/31857 https://gwulo.com/node/35351 https://www.loc.gov/item/mcc.008/
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分享 费城“万唐人物”展览
MingHao 2024-4-9 13:04
Merchant and philanthropist Nathan Dunn (1782–1844) founded the Chinese Museum in Philadelphia in 1838. Located at Ninth and George (now Sansom) Streets , it housed the collection of art and artifacts Dunn had amassed during visits to Canton, China, between 1818 and 1831. https://phil ...
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分享 罗德岛Newport鸦片家族豪宅
MingHao 2024-4-5 07:45
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